Well, I'll just lump everything together.
Zach finally got his cast off, and is now in a removable brace. He's also off of the Trileptal. Life has been much better. He's got his personality back - no more sitting around all day like a zombie. He's eating much better, and overall just seems to be much happier.
I think this has much more to do with the change in medication than getting rid of the cast, but I'll take it either way.
So, like the headline says, Zach turned 9 yesterday. Because he likes to be in water, Mom booked him a swimming party. Of course the skies of South Florida were full of the natural event known as "crap look at all that freaking lightning". Never fear though, mom knows better about our weather patterns - so the party was booked at the British Swim School, an indoor facility. Zach spent about 2 hours in the heated pool, and looked like he had a great time. He was joined by an assortment of family and friends, and all the kids looked like they had a really good time. Some of the adults (humble narrator included) who weren't in the pool got to find out up close just how much humidity can be given off by a pool heated up to about 90 degrees. It felt much cooler outside the building, which if you have never experienced summer afternoons in South Florida is somewhat like sitting on the surface of the sun while trying to breathe through a wet towel.
Still though it was a great party, sweating off a few pounds won't do me any harm.
In other good news, Janine passed her state exam to become a school administrator, and has submitted her final work in her final class for her master's degree. So, by the end of the month she should be on track to getting an AP job. Of course it is mandatory that I mention that she kept up a 4.0 GPA in grad school while working full time, raising the 3 boys, and dealing with all of Zach's medical issues. So those of you out there reading - don't try the "I'm too busy excuse" to not go back to school...
Janine's school where she works did very well on this year's state exams. Since becoming the "Reading Specialist/Leader/Coach/whatever they call it this year", the school has gone from a "D" school to this year marking their fourth "A" ranking in a row. Congrats to the kids for doing well, and the staff for buying in to the program.
Well, I'm out for now. Hopefully I'll have a nice report on a getaway Janine and I are planning for this weekend - sans kids. Yes, just the two of us.