From all accounts, our ICU billing issue has been resolved. I didn't want to really start ranting before because the physician's group was trying to work with us to get United to pay their proper fees, rather than reaching into our wallet. I wanted to bite my tongue on the off chance that things would go our way, and as luck would have it they did. Crisis averted.
Zach has been doing "fair" I guess. We stopped giving him Topomax (anti-seizure) about a week and a half ago and started giving him Levsin (treats stomach issues). It was working well up until yesterday when Zach had a couple of bad shaking incidents. Other than those he has been more alert, eating better, and doing better with physical activities. I guess we will have to wait and see how things go from here. In other news I gave Zach a much needed haircut. I don't know how he feels about it, but most people have said it turned out well. I'm sure they're just humoring me. When I was actually cutting Zach's hair I was trying to figure out which Johnny Depp character I was channeling - Edward Scissorhands or Sweeney Todd.
As for the rest of the crew...
Josh is three days away from turning 11. It's hard to believe I'm old enough to have an 11 year old son, but it's the truth. A pool party is planned for Sunday. Josh wants you all to know the party is at capacity, however you can all still feel free to send him gifts. He is a big fan of cash. Us parents have covered the gift thing by buying him a new leopard gecko. This one is a male named "Tang" because he is a "Hypo Tang" genetic morph. (3 guesses as to what color he is). Since Josh's other gecko (Spot) is a female, I guess there is a chance of offspring. We'll cross that road at a later date I guess.
Brandon is rapidly approaching 4 years old. Of course if he doesn't watch his little attitude, he may not live that long. (Just kidding) His favorite pastimes are watching whatever show happens to be playing on Nick Jr. (He's a big fan of the Dora-Diego-Kai Lan-Wonderpets programming block), playing/fighting with Josh, dragging his toys into the living room, throwing tantrums, and trying to stretch bedtime out as long as possible. Whoever coined the phrase "terrible twos" probably didn't have a child that lived to the age of 3, or they surely would have re-thought that phrase.
The wife and I are doing as well as can be expected I guess. Nothing major to report on that front.
Guess I'll close for now. Hopefully I'll be a little more prompt with the next update...