Here's all the news that's fit to print...
Zach is doing as well as can be expected. He seems to have adjusted to his cast finally. Of course it is going to need to be changed in the next two weeks or so. Hopefully the new one will be similar enough to this one so that he won't notice a difference. We're hoping for him to be placed into a brace, rather than a cast, at some point - but he probably isn't ready for that yet.
Zach has been standing up and walking with assistance, which is a really good sign. He is still up on his toes though. I think we are going to wait until summer to get his ankles casted, but that's up in the air for now. Once that is done, he should be able to walk flat footed again.
In other news, Josh's baseball season is upon us. I've taken the plunge and am the head coach for the team this season. We've managed to lose our first two games by a combined score of 25 to 8, but hopefully we'll get it turned around here sometime soon. On the good side of things we can't get much worse! It's all improvement from here on out...
We took the kids to the Renaissance Fest last weekend. It's quite an umm..... experience. Brandon was a bit freaked out at first because everyone is in costume, and there is a ton of activity going on. He eventually got over it and seemed to have a good time. I actually felt bad for some of those people in costume because it was about 85 degrees out. (In mid-February - gotta love the South Florida weather.) The was even a guy walking around in a full suit of armor. I'm thinking that guy had to be really hating life that day.
Now, if you work there and have to dress in costume I can understand it. That's your job. What I can't understand though are the freaks that don't work there, but dress up in the costumes anyway. Are they trying to fit in better? Show their dedication to late 15th century Europe? C'mon people - that's like wearing a Mickey Mouse costume when you visit Disney World. No - the people working there don't think you're cool because you have "Renaissance" clothes to wear. They think you're a dork. Oh yea, they aren't impressed by the "Olde English" accent you are trying to use while ordering your frozen lemonaide either.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Never a dull moment...
Up until last night, the past week went fairly well for Zach.
He was eating fairly well, and seems to be adjusting to wearing his cast. He was back at school, and life has been getting back to its normal routine. (Well, normal for us at least.)
Then, just as we are getting settled to watch the SuperBowl, Zach started having what may (or may not) have been a seizure. He was shaking uncontrollably, hyperventilating, and his body temperature had shot up. After about 3 minutes we gave him a dose of Diastat per his neurologist's instructions, and called 911.
The friendly members of the Miramar Fire Rescue Department showed up within a few minutes and whisked away Zach and Janine to Memorial West. I followed a few minutes later.
By the time the ambulance arrived at the hospital, the shaking had pretty much stopped. We all spent the next 6-7 hours in the ER while trying to figure out if this actually was a seizure, if it was a seizure - what was the cause, was the Dilantin not working, why the remote control for the television I was watching would only allow you to cycle UP through the channels - even if you JUST WANTED TO GO BACK ONE DAMN STATION, and should his medication be changed?
Alas after a battery of tests, and much cursing at the remote on my part, we came away with not too damn much info. The neurologist wanted to switch his anti-seizure medicine, and we were sent off into the night (well, morning really) with prescription in hand.
We were in luck in that the nearest 24 pharmacy was only a couple of minutes away. Of course their computer system was down so they couldn't fill the prescription. Just our luck. Off we go to another pharmacy. When we get there we find out that Zach needs something like 120 cc of this medicine a month. However it is only dispensed in a 240 cc bottle. This doesn't seem like a big deal except for the fact that the insurance company won't pay for any more than a month at a time. Well, that and the medicine is about $200 a bottle without insurance. The pharmacist called the ER docs, but they basically said we were stuck because that was what the neurologist ordered and they couldn't change it... Now, realize this is all happening at about 2 in the morning. We decided that since Zach had been given a 12 hour dose in the hospital at about 12:30 that this could just get sorted out in the morning. (well, later in the morning)
As it stands, Janine was going to make some calls this morning to see what to do next. I haven't heard from her yet, so I assume nobody has been dumb enough to piss her off so far. Once she gets this medication thing taken care of, I'm going to have her try to find out why some moron would design a remote control that only allows you to switch the channels in one direction.
He was eating fairly well, and seems to be adjusting to wearing his cast. He was back at school, and life has been getting back to its normal routine. (Well, normal for us at least.)
Then, just as we are getting settled to watch the SuperBowl, Zach started having what may (or may not) have been a seizure. He was shaking uncontrollably, hyperventilating, and his body temperature had shot up. After about 3 minutes we gave him a dose of Diastat per his neurologist's instructions, and called 911.
The friendly members of the Miramar Fire Rescue Department showed up within a few minutes and whisked away Zach and Janine to Memorial West. I followed a few minutes later.
By the time the ambulance arrived at the hospital, the shaking had pretty much stopped. We all spent the next 6-7 hours in the ER while trying to figure out if this actually was a seizure, if it was a seizure - what was the cause, was the Dilantin not working, why the remote control for the television I was watching would only allow you to cycle UP through the channels - even if you JUST WANTED TO GO BACK ONE DAMN STATION, and should his medication be changed?
Alas after a battery of tests, and much cursing at the remote on my part, we came away with not too damn much info. The neurologist wanted to switch his anti-seizure medicine, and we were sent off into the night (well, morning really) with prescription in hand.
We were in luck in that the nearest 24 pharmacy was only a couple of minutes away. Of course their computer system was down so they couldn't fill the prescription. Just our luck. Off we go to another pharmacy. When we get there we find out that Zach needs something like 120 cc of this medicine a month. However it is only dispensed in a 240 cc bottle. This doesn't seem like a big deal except for the fact that the insurance company won't pay for any more than a month at a time. Well, that and the medicine is about $200 a bottle without insurance. The pharmacist called the ER docs, but they basically said we were stuck because that was what the neurologist ordered and they couldn't change it... Now, realize this is all happening at about 2 in the morning. We decided that since Zach had been given a 12 hour dose in the hospital at about 12:30 that this could just get sorted out in the morning. (well, later in the morning)
As it stands, Janine was going to make some calls this morning to see what to do next. I haven't heard from her yet, so I assume nobody has been dumb enough to piss her off so far. Once she gets this medication thing taken care of, I'm going to have her try to find out why some moron would design a remote control that only allows you to switch the channels in one direction.
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