We cheated a little and celebrated early - this past Saturday at the Saveology Iceplex . (Yes, I had to look up what saveology is.)
We had a great turnout of friends and family. The Iceplex reserved a rink and a block of party rooms especially for us. Zach got a chance to go out on the ice for a few laps, and unlike most party guests - didn't fall a single time. Next year he has requested chains for the tires on his stroller so he will have a little better traction in the turns.
The wife would also like you all to know that she also didn't fall, joining me in this accomplishment. Of course she actually went out on the ice, so perhaps she deserves a little more credit.
In other news, Zach got new wheels today. Unlike last time we didn't have to fight for a year to get him a new wheelchair.
I'm a little slammed at work, so gotta cut it short.