It has always kind of made me happy when an author throws in an epilogue at the end of a book.
You always wonder at the end of the story what happened to the characters? Did they live happily ever after? Did the guy get his dream job? Did the couple stay together?
Really it's all in the author's head, but still that sense of some closure is nice I guess.
So, here we are with an epilogue of sorts. I get emails every few days from the visitor counter on the site, so I know people do occasionally stop by. I figured they would like to know how things have turned out for the characters. Well - at least to this point.
After Zach's passing we decided to move to a new home. From a purely financial standpoint it wasn't smart. Our house was actually worth less than when we bought it in 1995. (Yea - market crash !!)
Still though, it wasn't all about the money. Too many memories there.
We are currently living in Cooper City, and really loving it. We're in a nice neighborhood, close to all of the stores and places we were always at anyway. It's a little more of a commute to work, but much less driving otherwise.
On the plus side, I haven't seen a single drug deal, or had police helicopters flying over the house a few times a week.
As for the kids...
Josh seems to be doing well. He is happy at Cooper City High, and for the most part his grades have been pretty good. He's had his driving permit for a year now, and will probably be getting his full license sometime soon. Scary thought there.
Baseball has I guess been okay. After dealing with some elbow issues last spring, he has come back really strong. I'm looking forward to see how the next few seasons pan out. Not sure if he will end up as a pitcher or a catcher. I guess time will tell.
Josh has had a couple of girlfriends over the last year. They are really sweet girls - and neither has a shaved head, a safety pin through her nose, or an apparent substance abuse issue - so I guess everything is good on that front.
Brandon is well - Brandon. He's a pain in the butt at times, but I think that runs in the family. He's in his school's gifted program, and is bringing home good grades. As I have always said, Josh is really smart, and really should have been in the gifted program himself -but Brandon is in a whole other world. If he chooses to apply himself, he will go on to do some really big things academically.
Brandon is playing baseball as well, and just finished his first season of "kid pitch". He actually did really well. He's a better hitter than Josh was at that age - but not as good defensively. I don't know if he will end up as successful as Josh, but I guess it is possible.
I think for the most part the kids have handled Zach's passing fairly well. Josh was old enough to know Zach's fate was inevitable, so he was prepared I guess. It was a little harder on Brandon, but except for the occasional sad days, I think he is doing okay.
The wife and I are doing well I guess. The last year has brought a lot of changes for us, but as always we just take things one day at a time.
Work for me is the same - aggravating, undercompensating, and unfulfilling. Other than that though it is great!!!
Janine is in her third year as an assistant principal. From what everyone tells me, she is really good at it. I'm hoping before long she will get a shot as a principal. Either that or she gets the job as superintendent. (Okay - I can dream.)
As for some of supporting cast...
Nurse Mike has relocated to Arizona, and is still nursing. We still chat with him occasionally, and he is still as sarcastic as ever.
Nurse Serge is still a friend of the family. He comes by when his schedule permits, and texts frequently.
Anyway I guess in summation that the story really isn't complete on the Townsley family. There are still many chapters to be written. I'm sure at some point I will write a sequel to the epilogue.
For now though readers, just know that we are okay and that life goes on.
And of course don't forget that we are never promised tomorrow.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
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