Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Semi-mindless ramblings

Well, it's December 2013 and it has been a while since I've posted.  I guess that's pretty obvious.

I've asked myself why, and never really had a good answer.  Sure I took on a new position at work, and Josh needed to be driven all over for baseball... but really I think the truth is that despite the jovial spin I put on my writing, it wasn't enjoyable.

Zach had come to a point where I realized that his time was not long on this world.  Despite our best efforts, I knew that there wasn't much more we could do. Not writing about it allowed me to avoid thinking about it I guess.

Zach passed away on November 4th in his bed surrounded by his family.  I'd rather not revisit the event save to say that it was peaceful.

So I find myself in a strange place.  How is a parent supposed to handle the passing of one of their children?  No matter how much you think about it, you are never really prepared.  There isn't really a part of the brain designed to deal with this topic.

So, like we have done since Zach's diagnosis - we just take things day by day.  People still ask how we are doing and for the most part I just say we are doing okay.  Most of the time it's even the truth.

It obvious that many people really don't know what to day.  We understand.  I wouldn't know what to say either.  Although, no matter how many people say it, you are never going to convince us that he is in a "better place".

Those who loved him most are still here, so how could he possibly be in a better place?

Anyway, I've depressed myself enough for one evening.  Perhaps I will return when the mood hits me.

Until then remember, we are never promised tomorrow.


Unknown said...

I saw your family's story on mystery diagnosis. The way you all rallied together to relentlessly research and find an answer was amazing. I could tell you gave him the best life anyone ever could have. He is still with you, and always will be. May God give you strength and bring you peace.

Melinda said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Zach is in a better place and his story touched so many lives. May God bless your family.