Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Zach's surgery date

Have I mentioned that MPS sucks?

We got the call from Zach's surgeon's office that the surgery has been scheduled for Monday, October 20th. The surgery could take up to 6 hours, and he is expected to be in the hospital for up to a week for recovery. Before the surgery we have the lovely process of getting all of his doctors to agree he is healthy enough for the procedure, getting x-rays done, and numerous other joyous appointments. Ooooh goody.

The issue that gets me sometimes is that it's really doubtful that Zach even understands why he gets put through all this crap. He's gotten to the point now where he really doesn't like doctor's offices at all. I guess you can't hardly blame him though. Almost every time we go to an appointment it seems Zach would rather be any other place in the world. I'm with you on that buddy. When you've been poked and prodded your entire life, it's bound to get irritating.

There are some days I wish this could all be someone else's problem. It would be nice to be able to say, "Okay, YOU deal with it", but that's just not reality. No matter how difficult the decisions are, or how many appointments we have to go to - they are our responsibility. Nobody else can make these choices for us, the buck stops here...

As a parent you never realize just how responsible you are for your children until something goes wrong.

Jeez, reading through this post is depressing. You could get the impression that I'm a walking Xanax commercial or something...

Okay, for the lighter side of things.....

Somehow during my intense training regimen I managed to pull one of my calf muscles. This kept me off of the bike for a couple of days, but now I'm back in the saddle so to say. I don't know if I pulled the muscle riding the bike, or when I was stretching to get the potato chips from the top shelf in the kitchen cabinet.

I'm going to go with the cause being the bike. I've just started riding it recently, and I've reached for those chips hundreds of times before without injury. Seems pretty clear cut to me.

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