Games kicked off last Wednesday with a strong victory. Our team was led by Josh who had a great performance on the mound, and is now convinced he is the second coming of Nolan Ryan. I guess time will tell on that...
Our second game, played this past Saturday was preceded by the field being renamed in the honor of Roger Castillo. (Story on WPLG can be found here ) It was an emotional ceremony attended by all of our park's players, city officials, family members, and Roger's fellow officers. A monument honoring Roger's memory has been placed at the field where we play many of our games. The storybook ending to the day would be that we won the game. Unfortunately we ended up losing a tough game, although in the context of the day - that's really of little significance.
As for our crew... I guess all is as well as can be expected.
Zach is holding steady for the most part. His resting heart rate is down below 40 at times. We aren't sure if it might be due to a small increase in medications. We're going to go back to the old dosage to see if it makes a difference. Of course the dosage was upped to begin with because Zach seemed to be in pain at times. So I'm not really sure there is a good option for us to take.
Brandon is doing well. He is looking forward to the fall when he will get to play T-Ball. I'm not sure that I am looking forward to coaching T-Ball... The kids are fine to work with, but the parents can be a little rough at times. It usually takes them a couple of seasons to realize that no matter what their child does on the T-Ball field it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Of course there are some who never get it - I'm sure you know what THOSE parents are like.
Let's see - that leaves the Wife and I... Well, as far as I can remember there really isn't much to report on that front. Apparently we are boring. I blame this on the kids. I remember being cool. (Those of you that knew us when we were younger can stop laughing now. Parachute pants were cool. I don't care what you think.)
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